Golden Swan
Crocosmia masoniorum
- flower 2
Images taken of cultivated plants that were once part of the NCCPG National Collection of Crocosmia with Chasmanthe at The African Garden, Estover, Plymouth, Devon.
The plants featured in the images were raised from seed imported from Satan's Nek, South Africa. This species is rare in the wild, it was introduced into cultivation in the UK in the 1950s. It is unlikely for the species to be found growing in anything other than gardens Britain. Any escapes in the UK will most probably be represented by the many commercially raised hybrids of this species or seedlings of them. A likely candidate is the vigorous Crocosmia x 'Marcotijn'.
Like C. paniculata this species has pleated leaves; the leaves of C. x crocosmiiflora, C. aurea and C. pottsii are smooth.
David Fenwick (BSBI Referee for Crocosmia)
For more images of South and Southern African bulbs visit The African Garden website.